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posted on 15/09/14

Goran Gica Radovic Campione del Mondo

And in the end the great Goran Radovic, Gica for the friends, finally succeeded to become World Champion angler for 2014. The strong Serbian champion, already twice World Champion for Clubs in 2006 and 2009, and twice vice champion in 2007 and 2011, this time succeeded to leave back all the other anglers, getting 2 first places during the competition.

Amazing angler and a really nice guy, Goran is not only a Trabucco ambassador since many years but also a very expert and demanding product tester. Last but not least, he is a friend of all the people here in the Trabucco Company.

The whole Trabucco staff congratulates on his victory. Moreover using Trabucco fishing tackles everything is possible!

Goran Gica Radovic Campione del Mondo

Goran Gica Radovic Campione del Mondo

Goran Gica Radovic Campione del Mondo

Goran Gica Radovic Campione del Mondo

Goran Gica Radovic Campione del Mondo

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